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Resources by country

Last modified: June 17, 2022

As cases of the novel coronavirus known as COVID-19 continue to rise in worldwide, research has shown that older adults and persons with disabilities may be particularly susceptible to the disease. In an effort to help provide persons with disabilities helpful information regarding the virus, the Disability Insider has compiled the following resources:


EDF: COVID-19 and the disability movement

Inclusion Europe: Easy to read information about Coronavirus in many languages


COVID-19 – French Sign Language


Greece – NCDP Briefing paper


Netherlands announced €6 million to support “Education Cannot Wait’s” COVID-19 education in emergency response.


National Institute for Rehabilitation


Volunteer Web Platform


Helpline for people with hearing disabilities

Russian Government (Russian)

COVID-19 recommendations for people with chronic diseases

COVID-19: Psychological support helpline


Coronavirus Helpline

United Kingdom

Nuffield Council on Bioethics: Ethical considerations in responding to the COVID-19 pandemic

Down Syndrome International: Coronavirus

Rehab 4 Addiction – Coronavirus: Guidance for Better Mental Health

Humanity & Inclusion: COVID-19 in humanitarian contexts: no excuses to leave persons with disabilities behind report

NHS – Guidance on use of personal protective equipment (PPE) by health and social care workers.

Coronavirus and people with learning disabilities: a study of the lives of people with learning disabilities through the coronavirus pandemic.

Information on prioritising annual health checks for people with a learning disabilities.

Coronavirus and people with learning disabilities study – first wave report published.

Coronavirus (COVID-19): guidance for children’s social care services

COVID-19: Infection prevention and control for mental health and learning disability settings appendix.

Easy-read guide to the COVID-19 booster vaccination

Coronavirus and the social impacts on disabled people in Great Britain: March 2020 to December 2021


New Cases Confirmed 0
Jul 27, 2024
New Confirmed Deaths 0
Jul 27, 2024
New Recovered 0
Jul 27, 2024

Global Figures: 0 total confirmed cases, 0 total confirmed deaths. Source: Johns Hopkins CSSE.