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Resources by country

Last modified: June 17, 2022

As cases of the novel coronavirus known as COVID-19 continue to rise in worldwide, research has shown that older adults and persons with disabilities may be particularly susceptible to the disease. In an effort to help provide persons with disabilities helpful information regarding the virus, the Disability Insider has compiled the following resources:



Australia Government – Coronavirus App

Australia Government – Home Medicines Service

CRE-DH: COVID-19 and persons with disabilities

Tasmanian Government – COVID-19 Disability Information

Australia – Essential Shopping and Delivery Service

Support for Bayside residents during COVID-19

Disability services sector COVID-19

The Australian Human Rights –  Guidelines on the rights of people with disability in health and disability care during COVID-19.

“Left out and locked down” – The experiences of persons with disabilities and their families during COVID19.

People with disability: Information about COVID-19.

Community support phone line launched to help during COVID-19.

COVID-19 plan to protect disability community.

Mental Health Helpline.

COVID-19 vaccinations

COVID-19 vaccination – Practice Incentives Program COVID-19 vaccine general practice incentive guidelines

City of Monash – Coronavirus information and support

COVID-19 vaccination services for people with disability, carers and disability workers

COVID vaccination mandate extends to aged care and disability sectors

Advisory Committee for the COVID-19 Response for People with Disability – Summary of Outcomes 9 November 2021

COVID-19 vaccination consent and hesitancy – webinar for disability service providers

Advisory Committee for the COVID-19 Response for People with Disability – Summary of Outcomes 30 November 2021

COVID-19 vaccination information – Auslan

COVID-19 support for people with disability

First booster COVID-19 vaccinations available for eligible 12 to 15 year olds


WHO COVID-19 Bangla Sign Language


COVID-19 Disability Guidelines

The Recommendations for the Management of Chinese Children With Epilepsy During the COVID-19 Outbreak.


DEPWDComprehensive Disability Inclusive Guidelines

Life in the Times of COVID-19: A Guide for Parents of Children with Disabilities

NIMHANS COVID-19 guidelines for maintaining mental health

Mental health rehabilitation helpline

India issues guidelines for managing mental health during pandemic.


Coronavirus – Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare, Japan

Latest updates on COVID-19 in Tokyo

JAL and ANA announces new accessibility guidelines for customers with disabilities in response to COVID-19.


Mongolia government, ADB sign projects to improve COVID response and improve its efforts to provide children with disabilities better access to quality education.


COVID-19 Nepali Sign Language

New Zealand

New Zealand GovernmentUnite Against COVID-19

New Zealand Ministry of Health – COVID-19: Information for disabled people

New Zealand Ministry of Health – COVID-19: Āwhina app

COVID-19 – New Zealand Sign Language

Making Disability Rights Real in a PandemicEasy Read

Unite Against COVID-19 website

COVID Vaccination Text Service

Guidance for critical health services during an Omicron outbreak


COVID-19 disability awareness booklet


National Council for Disability Affairs – Disability COVID-19 Guidelines


Nuanua o le Alofa – Information from the Samoan government on COVID-19

South Korea

Seoul Metropolitan Government – COVID-19 Support (Korean)


New Cases Confirmed 0
Jul 27, 2024
New Confirmed Deaths 0
Jul 27, 2024
New Recovered 0
Jul 27, 2024

Global Figures: 0 total confirmed cases, 0 total confirmed deaths. Source: Johns Hopkins CSSE.