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Google Docs update brings improved braille support

Blind person using computer with braille computer display

Google is working to improve braille support in Docs, making it easier for users of assistive technologies, including refreshable braille displays, to work on documents.

These changes will enhance the experience of reading documents with new keyboard shortcuts, improved navigation, and more reliable verbalizations. Its most significant change is a new shortcut – Ctrl+Alt+H on Windows or CMD+Option+H on Mac – to enable/disable braille support in Google Docs, Sheets, and Slides.

When navigating with shortcuts, Google will announce where your cursor moves to comments, headings, misspellings, and suggestions. Navigating lengthy documents and lists will also be more reliable moving forward.In terms of speech output, assistive technology will verbalize images, misspellings, and grammar errors.

Please update the latest versions of your assistive technologies and browsers to benefit from these improvements fully.

  • The new Ctrl+Alt+H (CMD+Option+H on Mac) shortcut to toggle braille support in Docs, Sheets, and Slides.
  • Shortcuts to navigate, we now announce where your cursor moves to, including comments, headings, misspellings, and suggestions.
  • Improved the reliability of navigating through lengthy documents and lists.
  • Images, misspellings, and grammar errors are now verbalized directly by assistive technology.
  • Improved navigation and selection of verbalizations when moving through tables and when selecting content, including announcing the entire cell’s contents.

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