Hawkesbury City Council has adopted its Hawkesbury Disability Inclusion Action Plan 2023-2026. It can be viewed at www.yourhawkesbury-yoursay.com.au/2023-2026-disability-inclusion-action-plan
Council recognises that access and inclusion are fundamental to building a safe, connected, and cohesive Hawkesbury community. The Hawkesbury Disability Inclusion Action Plan (DIAP) 2023-2026 provides Council with a clear set of actions and strategies to be undertaken over the next three years to improve inclusion for the community.
The DIAP is informed and guided by the local community with lived experience of disability and has been developed in accordance with the New South Wales Disability Inclusion Act 2014. The plan formulates part of a whole-of-Government strategy to improve the lives of people with disability.
The plan aims to capture a holistic view of the barriers to inclusion in the Hawkesbury. It focuses on improvements across several key areas including:
- improving community attitudes and behaviours toward those with disability
- improving systems and processes to be more accessible and inclusive
- increasing employment opportunities and improving support for those with disability seeking and engaging in employment
- building more liveable communities.
The Hawkesbury Disability Inclusion Action Plan is also being developed in other accessible formats including Easy Read and audio versions. To obtain a copy of these formats, or for other related enquiries, please contact Council’s Youth and Inclusion Officer on 4560 4444 or email council@hawkesbury.nsw.gov.au