Disability Services Minister Don Punch launched a new digital web app which supports better health outcomes for people with Down syndrome.
The My Voice My Health app was designed by Down Syndrome Western Australia using funding provided by the Department of Communities through the Independent Advocacy grants program.
The app is a resource hub that provides information about the health considerations of people with Down syndrome.
My Voice My Health provides:
- information sourced from Australia and around the world on health topics that are relevant to people with Down syndrome;
- lists of public health providers, peak bodies and not-for-profit organisations in Western Australia that may provide support for a variety of these health conditions; and
- resources specifically developed for health professionals to consider when a person with Down syndrome is a patient, such as health checklists, and communication tips for people who are working with a person with Down syndrome or developmental disability.
Down syndrome is the most common chromosome disorder. About one in every 1,100 babies born in Australia will have Down syndrome.
“The My Voice My Health digital web app is an excellent resource for families, carers and people living with Down syndrome.” said Disability Services Minister Don Punch.
“It will empower them with important information and be a useful tool when visiting health professionals. The web app is a flexible and up-to-date service that allows for additional providers and health information to be added over time.2
“People with Down syndrome are living long and fulfilling lives, with plenty of opportunities to make their own choices and live independently.”
“My Voice My Health is an excellent example of how we can use information technology to enable people with disability to live their best life, and the Department of Communities was pleased to fund its development.” said Disability Services Minister Don Punch.