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Dubai company releases improved version of smart eyeglasses for people with vision disabilities

Amal Glass

Dubai-based company Amal Glass has launched Version 2 (V2) of its Smart Glasses for people with vision disabilities.

Using artificial intelligence (AI), the glasses increase a users’ independence, removing the need for guide dogs and assistance from other people.

V2 has many unique features, including supporting Arabic and English languages, with future plans for adding Spanish, French and Hindi. The mobile app is compatible with Android devices, making it economical and easy to upgrade.

The smart glasses are capable of reading books, magazines, computer and cellphone screens, signboards, and ATMs.  They can also recognize over 100 banknotes from around the world; shoppers with vision disabilities can confidently engage in cash transactions, knowing that they are paying and  receiving the correct amounts.

Users will be able to distinguish nearby objects such as vehicles, street signs and furniture. They can also pre-register three contacts and, when requiring help, can text their current location to that family member or friend.

The V2 of the smart glasses enables the recording and playing of voice notes, like grocery and to-do lists, eliminating the need for Braille or talking watches.  The updated version can tell the exact time, date and day, along with a stopwatch feature.

Lastly, it has a flashlight and guides about Qibla direction.

Amal Glass V2 production is on a pilot basis.  Mohammed Islam, head of development, said, “The response it has generated has been tremendous in the UAE, Saudi Arabia, Egypt, Sultanate of Oman, Kuwait, Turkey, India and the UK. It got amazing customer feedback and received inquiries from the US, Korea, Argentina and Brazil.”

The Amal Glass Application store provides 15 additional apps and will be the site for the installation of future updates.

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