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New Office of Disability to promote rights and interests of sector in Western Australia

a blind woman walking in the street

The McGowan Labor Government will establish the State’s first Office of Disability (‘the Office’), to promote the rights and interests of people with disability and the broader disability sector.

The Office will act as a vital conduit of information and knowledge on the range and quality of services people with disability require.

It will sit within the Department of Communities and provide disability sector stewardship, advice on State and Commonwealth systems, and drive work and innovation to advance inclusion and participation of people with disability in Western Australia.

The Office will also provide leadership to implement, monitor and further develop ‘A Western Australia for Everyone: State Disability Strategy 2020-2030’.

The Office will support the WA Government to deliver on its long-term commitment to empowering people with disability to participate in all aspects of the community and the economy.

Importantly, the Office will also have a role in informing and advising government on the experiences between Western Australians with disability, their families and carers and the National Disability Insurance Scheme.

The role and structure of the Office of Disability has been shaped by an extensive consultation and engagement process undertaken across the State in 2020, and its formation answers calls from peak and advocacy bodies in the disability sector for such a body to be formed in WA.

For more information, go to

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