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Consultation opens on NDIS legislation reforms

Down syndrome man consulting with women

Public feedback is now invited on draft legislation to deliver a better experience for National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS) participants.

Minister for the National Disability Insurance Scheme, Senator the Hon Linda Reynolds CSC, said that today was a major milestone in the Morrison Government’s 2019 promise to set up the scheme for the future, and embed an NDIS which works for everyone.

“In recent months, I have consulted widely and listened to the concerns raised by participants, their families and the disability sector. We have a shared goal to ensure the NDIS is the best it can be, and sustainable for many generations to come,” Minister Reynolds said.

I encourage NDIS participants, their families, carers and other stakeholders to have their say on the delivery of these important reforms.”

Improved participant experience is at the centre of the reforms, which includes giving effect to the Government’s 2019 election commitment, by legislating the Participant Service Guarantee and implementing key recommendations of the Independent Review of the NDIS Act.

The proposed changes also include:

  • Making lived experience of disability one among a number of important considerations for membership of the NDIA Board;
  • Updating the principles of the Act, to reflect the importance of co-design with people with disability.

Feedback on the draft legislation is open on the DSS Engage website, with submissions closing at midnight (EST) on 7 October 2021.

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