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UK train company launches new policy dedicated to making rail travel accessible for all

Back view of man in his electric wheelchair at underground platform waiting for train with motion blur of passing train in the background

UK train operator c2c has introduced a new accessible travel policy with specific details about its plan outlined in the leaflet ‘Making Rail Accessible.’

Relevant information about train and station facilities, fares, ticketing, as well as mobility information for people using mobility devices, assistance dogs or passengers travelling with a companion are all included in the company’s strategic plan.

Railway stations at Southend East, Chalkwell and Grays will be featured in the improvement plans.

Jill Allen-King, who travels with her assistance dog on c2c services, said, “As a totally blind person, I cannot see the help point or staff to ask for help. But I have always been helped whenever I travel by the c2c staff.”

Currently, passengers who require assistance can “book” help 4 hours before travelling. This will be reduced to just 2 hours beginning in April 2022.

The new leaflet can be downloaded here from the c2c website. It is also available in other formats from train stations or by contacting c2c Customer Relations.

Alex Whybro, c2c Customer Experience Manager, said, “We understand the importance of delivering a friendly, reliable and inclusive service to all c2c customers. We have updated the customer policy to set out our goals to strive towards making c2c as accessible as possible.”

A spokesperson for the group Inclusion London expressed his satisfaction with the new policy, saying, “It has been a real pleasure to work with c2c on developing and delivering an ambitious, bespoke and comprehensive programme of Disability Awareness and Inclusive Customer Service training to c2c staff. We have had great buy-in and feedback from staff and its clear c2c have a workforce dedicated to providing great service to their disabled customers.”

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