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Australia announces $75M grants to support economic and community participation for persons with disabilities

women outside with a women in wheelchair
Photo: Shutterstock

More than $75 million in grants is available to organisations and employers who create opportunities for people with disability to contribute to community prosperity and participate in community life as part of the Information, Linkages and Capacity Building (ILC) program.

Minister for Families and Social Services, Anne Ruston, said two grant rounds are now open to support people with disability to participate in community activities including employment.

‘Applications are being accepted for two separate grant rounds opening today under two streams of the ILC—Social and Community Participation and Economic Participation,’ Minister Ruston said.

‘The Australian Government is investing $35.9 million in the Social and Community Participation grant round, which focuses on community connection including addressing needs arising from the coronavirus pandemic and other natural disasters.

‘A total of $39.9 million is available through the Economic Participation grant round, which focuses on limiting the impacts of coronavirus for people with disability to enter or remain in the workforce, through structural or cultural changes to the workplace, or through upskilling to increase skills and knowledge.’

Minister for the National Disability Insurance Scheme, Stuart Robert, said the grants provide for supports that enable social, community and economic participation of all people with disability.

‘ILC grants are a great opportunity for organisations and businesses across Australia to grow their capacity in supporting NDIS participants and all people with disability,’ Minister Robert said.

The ILC grant rounds are open until 11:00 pm (AEDT) on 8 December 2020.

For more information, go to

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