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Zimbabwe to improve education services for all

Disabled schoolboy studying at desk in classroom

The Ministry of Primary and Secondary Education is committed to providing quality, relevant and inclusive education to learners, including persons with disabilities.

She said Government cannot guarantee children’s rights without putting into motion measures that will ensure learners with disabilities have access to quality education with the necessary modifications to suit their needs.

“As a ministry, we endeavour to provide quality, relevant and inclusive education to our learners. We are determined to remove all barriers to education for children living with disabilities, real or imagined,” she said.

“Through extensive stakeholder engagement within and outside Government and community outreach programmes, we have managed to get the message to the community that every child should be registered at his or her nearest school from where the presence or absence of a special need will be ascertained and referred accordingly.

“As a ministry, we are for child friendly schools. Our infrastructure should be accessible to every learner regardless of disability. Educational psychologists in the ministry conduct assessments for learners, determining the nature of disability and recommend the best psycho-educational option.

She said there are instructional units dotted across the province in mainstream schools where children with specific disabilities get their class and teacher for instructional purposes only and beyond that they will be mixing with their non-disabled peers.

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