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Greens push for a more accessible Canberra

Man in a wheelchair use a wheelchair ramp.

The Greens has announced a push on the major parties to make Canberra’s housing market more accessible.

“If you’re a person with mobility disability and you’re looking for a house to live in – there’s currently very little information listed on rental and sale ads, so it’s not always clear if this property can meet your needs. Landlords and owners are not required to disclose this when advertising a property.

“There are many of these properties in Canberra – but if you don’t know about it, it’s exhausting to have to check individual properties, one by one.

“Since 2003, ACT planning regulations mean 10% of homes in multi-unit developments must be built to make these more accessible (i.e. with bigger bathrooms, doorways and corridors to accommodate a wheelchair).

“A simple way to fix this is to ensure that where homes are more accessible, this is listed as a ‘tick box’ on property rental and sale ads in the ACT. This simple change isn’t onerous – but will help make Canberra a place for everyone to enjoy.”

The Greens will bring forward amendments to the Unit Titles Legislation Amendment Bill 2019 in this week’s sitting period that, if supported by the major parties, will see landlords and owners list accessibility on rental and sale ads.

“This simple amendment will help people with limited mobility maintain their independence, self-determination and choice in their lives,” ACT Greens Housing and Social Inclusion spokesperson Caroline Le Couteur said.

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