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Boost for Affordable Housing Innovation Housing Projects

Close-up view of a wheelchair

The ACT Government is investing in six organisations as part of the Affordable Housing Innovation Fund to provide more affordable housing and support options for Canberra. 

The ACT Government is committed to improving housing affordability in the ACT and finding innovative solutions to do so is an important part of the ACT Government’s Housing Strategy.

Through the first round of the Innovation Fund, the ACT Government invested in three projects that focused on affordable renting and sustainable designs for shared spaces.

HomeGround Real Estate Canberra launched in April 2019 and provides the opportunity for property owners have their land tax waived when offering rental properties at 75 per cent of market rent for eligible Canberrans through a community housing provider.

Successful round two recipients that will share in $645,000 are:

  • Summer Foundation Limited– This project will look at mechanisms to assist people with a disability and families of people with a disability navigate available connections and identify suitable housing options.
  • Rights and Inclusion Australia– This project will look at mechanisms to assist people with a disability and families of people with a disability navigate available connections and identify suitable housing options.
  • YWCA for YHomes– This project will deliver rental accommodation for women in need on an underutilised community facility land.
  • CatholicCare Canberra and Goulburn– This project will explore the feasibility of optimising the use of underutilised community facility land to increase affordable and supported housing.
  • RENT– This project will explore an innovative approach to boosting affordable housing supply.
  • Community Connections– This project will establish a model aimed at matching homeowners with a spare room with low income tenants seeking affordable rental accommodation, in exchange for providing assistance around the home.

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