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Application will facilitate health procedures for disabled people in Colombia

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SuperApp is an application developed by Gustavo Gómez, Systems Engineer from the Pilot University of Colombia with hearing disabilities, who from his own experience and realizing how difficult it has been for him, for people with other types of disabilities and older adults , decided to develop this application that facilitates the procedures of the health system for the Health Superintendency

“What we are looking for with SupersApp, is to reduce the time the procedures take for the aforementioned population, to a period of less than 48 hours. Unfortunately I have met many cases, there is one of many that seemed very sad and is that of a person with multiple disabilities whose mother took a medical appointment but could not get there by public transport and because she did not have money to pay for a taxi, they lost the appointment, they asked for it again and it was scheduled six months later. If they had had a tool like SupersApp to have fast and efficient communication with Supersalud, the story would have been different for this person, as for many others in these conditions. ” Expresses the application developer engineer.

Thanks to this innovative initiative, the Systems Engineer of the Pilot University of Colombia and current SuperHealth worker will receive a national recognition on June 30, which will be led by the President of the Republic, Iván Duque Márquez , and where their commitment, innovation, sense of social responsibility, creativity and effort will be exalted, within the framework of the national day of public servants.

SupersApp will initially be available on the website of the Superintendency of Health and in order to get the application, it will only be necessary to register, enter data such as an email, a password, indicate the type of disability, among other data that must be completed, since it will be an app that will adjust to the person’s disability so that the service is even more effective.

Finally, Gustavo Gómez invites all entities and people, especially those who do not have a disability, to take and raise awareness about the rights of the population with disabilities, to reinvent themselves so that processes, access and provision of services are also aware of the vulnerable population such as the elderly and people with disabilities.

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