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Workplace Disability & Inclusion Employer Forum in Australia

The Workplace Disability and Inclusion Employer Forumwill be held on June 20, 2019, at the Stuart Park, George Hanley Drive, North Wollongong, NSW 2500, Australia, organized by SSI Ability Links NSW .

With the aim of informing, connecting and challenging, this forum will increase awareness and build capacity for businesses in the Illawarra around establishing and maintaining inclusive workplaces for people with disability and mental health issues.

Featuring a keynote address from Brett Saunders, Senior Leader at Lion & Beyond Blue, the program will also include a panel discussion that will discuss the benefits and importance of employing outside the box, exploring innovative recruitment and selection practices that will help employers access a wider talent pool.

The forum will look at:

  • Removing barriers to attraction, retention and progression
  • Recognising and harnessing untapped talent
  • Creating work environments that are inclusive of disability
  • Establishing systems of support within the workplace
  • Facilitating the panel discussion will be Engagement Officer at Autism Spectrum Australia (ASPECT) and business owner at TK Hubworld, Thomas Kuzma (MC).
  • Stay tuned for an announcement on panellists in the coming days.

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