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Welcome to Sweden


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Sunny 21 °C
humidity 56% wind speed 14.83kph
Time 02:05 PM


Basic Country Profile

Sweden Google Map

Location: North Europe, Scandinavia
Capital: Stockholm
Population: 10.2 million
Major language: Swedish
Major religion: Christianity
Currency: Krona
Climate: Mostly mild. In the North winter temperature can fall to -30C or lower.
Terrain: Mostly flat
Dial code: +46
Time zone: GMT +1
Emergency numbers:
For all emergencies – 112

Disability Legislations and Policies

Gavel, scales of justice and law books

Sweden ratified the UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities in December 2008.

Of the 10.23 million people living in Sweden, it is estimated that around 20% are living with a disability. Since the late 20th century, Swedish policy toward disabilities has been centred around the idea of equal opportunity and equal rights for all.

The Act concerning Support and Service to Persons with Certain Functional Disabilities (LSS) was enforced in 1994. It is a human rights law designed to offer people with disabilities greater opportunities to lead independent lives, and to ensure that they have equal living conditions and enjoy full participation in community life.

In 2009, the Discrimination Act was introduced in Sweden, its general purpose being to strengthen the legal protection of the individual and to help victims of discrimination obtain redress and financial compensation.