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Welcome to Slovenia


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Sunny 23 °C
humidity 64% wind speed 12.96kph
Time 08:13 PM


Basic Country Profile

Slovenia Google Map

Location: Central Europe
Capital: Ljubljana
Population: 2 million
Major language: Slovene
Major religion: Christianity
Currency: Euro
Climate: Continental with warm summers and cold winters
Terrain: Mostly mountainous
Dial code: +386
Time zone: GMT+1
Emergency numbers:
Universal emergency number- 112
Police – 113
Users with disabilities can use WAP 112 and SMS 112 to contact the emergency services.

Disability Legislations and Policies

A law book with a gavel

Slovenia ratified the CRPD in 2008. There are no official data on the number of persons with disabilities in Slovenia; the number is estimated on the basis of registers of each category of disability. It is estimated that there are between 160,000 and 170,000 persons with disabilities in Slovenia. Approximately 8% of persons with disabilities have a decision on disability according to various laws; the remaining 5% (according to estimates by disability organisations and membership) are persons with greater physical disability.

Employment of persons with disabilities in Slovenia is introduced in two different ways. Persons with disabilities are employed in the companies for persons with disabilities, as well as by other economic and social legal entities, tradesmen, civil legal entities, etc. The specific laws and regulations, which in Slovenia regulate education and employment of persons with disabilities is based on the Law on Professional Education and Employment of the Disabled (1976).