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Welcome to Portugal


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Sunny 14 °C
humidity 85% wind speed 9.65kph
Time 03:53 AM


Basic Country Profile

Portugal Google Map

Location: western part of the Iberian peninsula
Capital: Lisbon
Population: 10.7 million
Major language: Portuguese
Major religion: Christianity
Currency: Euro
Climate: temperate maritime with hot summers and wet winters
Terrain: hilly in the north, plains in the south
Dial code: +351
Time zone: GMT+1
Emergency numbers:
The free of charge phone number for emergency is 112
Health line for emergencies: 808 242424
Disability helpline: 217959 545

Disability Legislations and Policies

A man with a child in a wheelchair walking in the street
A man, accompanied by a child in a wheelchair, walks through one of the streets of the Viana Do Castelo city, Portugal. Photo: mimohe /

Portugal ratified the CRPD in 2009 . More than half the people in Portugal with physical limitations are not officially recognised as such, one in four have difficulty in accessing their workplace, and many do not have the funds to adapt their home to their needs, according to the results of a survey for consumer association DECO.

People with disabilities are protected by law against discrimination in employment, education, access to health care, or the provision of other state services, and the government effectively enforces the law. The law also mandates access to public buildings and ensures that the laws are adhered to. No legislation covers private businesses or other facilities.