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New data reveals increased employment among NDIS participants, families, and carers

young woman in wheelchair with colleagues working in office

The NDIS continues to have a positive impact on the lives of participants, their families and carers with recent data highlighting improvements in areas such as employment and community participation.

The NDIS is now supporting more than 646,000 participants, with outcome data in the latest Quarterly Report showing the Scheme is making a significant positive impact on people’s lives.

Key highlights from the latest Quarterly Report include:

Participation in work has more than doubled from 10% to 22% for participants aged 15 to 24.

Half of all parents and carers are now reporting paid employment, reaching the 2023-24 target of 50%. This is a relative increase of 10%.

41% of participants aged 15 years and older reported increased participation in community and social activities – a relative increase of 19%.

Over three quarters of all participants aged over 15 years reported greater choice and control in their lives, exceeding the 2023-24 target.

NDIA CEO Rebecca Falkingham said the latest data shows the Scheme is changing many people’s lives for the better.

“Measuring participant outcomes is vitally important to gauge how the Scheme is doing, and this quarter illustrates fantastic improvements in key areas such as employment for participants and family members and increased participation in our community,” Ms Falkingham said.

“However, there is much work to be done to continue to improve the Scheme for people with disability while ensuring it is enduring following the release of the NDIS Review and Disability Royal Commission last year.”

The Agency is progressing a range of the 2023–24 Budget initiatives aimed to deliver improved participant outcomes and the effective and sustainable operation of the Scheme.

“Through co-design, we are implementing improvements to the participant planning process, and improving consistency in home and living eligibility decision for participants with complex and high support needs, which are expected to assist in addressing key risks to Scheme financial sustainability.”

“Together with government, the NDIA is also carefully considering all NDIS Review recommendations with reforms to be guided by good plans for implementation – developed in partnership with people with disability and the disability community.”

“The NDIA will continue to work with the disability community over the coming months as we collaborate with them to make the NDIS stronger for participants and their families.”

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