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Preserving accessibility of disability support: a crucial priority

NDIS building
Photo: Dreamstime

After announcement from Prime Minister Anthony Albanese on April 28, regarding the reforms to the National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS), People with Disability Australia (PWDA) want to assure people with disability that we’ll be seeking more clarity about announcement on behalf of all people with disability in Australia.

“PWDA remains committed to doing all we can to ensure Australians with disability have access to the supports we need as the key goal of the NDIS,” said Ms Nicole Lee, President of PWDA.

“We welcome Bill Shorten’s 10-point plan in consultation with the NDIA Board and NDIS Review Co-chairs, and we will continue to advocate with decision makers for the ongoing improvements and sustainability of the Scheme.”

“PWDA will maintain our advocacy efforts for a strong effective NDIS where people with disability continue to receive supports from a sustainable NDIS,” said Ms Carolyn Hodge, PWDA Deputy CEO. “It’s important to note that changes to the NDIS cannot be at the expense of people with disability nor delivered in an environment where people with disability constantly feel their supports are under threat.”

People with Disability Australia will continue engaging with the NDIS review, lifting up the voices of people with disability on how the scheme can be improved, and we look forward to the final report of the independent NDIS Review.


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