The Australian Government plans to repeal and replace the Disability Services Act (1986) (the Act). This is a significant opportunity to shape the vision and direction for the rights of people with disabilities in Australia for years to come.
Repealing the Act also provides the opportunity to update the legislative framework. This should make sure people with disability are living their lives as equal citizens, engaging in education, employment, social, political, spiritual and cultural pursuits alongside their peers.
The Department of Social Services (DSS) is consulting about a New Act to Replace the Disability Services Act (1986). This consultation closes on 12 February 2023.
The following Disability Representative Organisations (DROs) made this submission to this consultation process:
- Australian Federation of Disability Organisations (AFDO)
- Children and Young People with Disability Australia (CYDA)
- Disability Advocacy Network Australia (DANA)
- First Peoples Disability Network (FPDN)
- Inclusion Australia (IA)
- National Ethnic Disability Alliance (NEDA)
- People with Disability Australia (PWDA)
- Women with Disabilities Australia (WWDA)