Minister for the National Disability Insurance Scheme, Stuart Robert, has confirmed NDIS participants in declared hotspot local government areas have access to a range of temporary measures to ensure they can receive their disability-related supports, in line with public health advice in Australia.
These measures are currently available in the declared hotspot local government area of the Northern Beaches, Sydney.
The government recognises that the immediate restrictions are difficult for NDIS participants and it is our priority to ensure they receive the essential supports they require.
As part of a focus on the safety of NDIS participants during COVID-19, as required the National Disability Insurance Agency (NDIA) will continue to reach out to connect and check-in with vulnerable participants, to ensure they continue to have supports in place and offering phone or online planning meetings.
Temporary measures in place to assist participants in hotspots, in light of the changing circumstances, include:
- eligible NDIS participants able to use plan funding to purchase low-cost Assistive Technology, including smart devices (up to $1500);
- greater plan flexibility to ensure access to supports;
- deep cleaning of residences in the event a support worker returns a positive COVID-19 test;
- additional support, including a deep cleaning service, for participants who test positive for COVID-19 or who are required to isolate who live in a Supported Independent Living (SIL) setting;
- NDIS participants in hotspots who rely on face-to-face supports and assistance with their daily living will be able to use an existing support item (Low Cost Disability-Related Health Consumables) to claim on the cost of PPE for their own use at times their worker is with them; and
- Providers in hotspots able to claim an allowance of $1.70 per hour of support delivered in the Activities of Daily Life Support Category, to cover the cost of PPE for workers, directly from the NDIA, ensuring participant plan funds are not impacted by the use of PPE by their providers and workers.
As the pandemic evolves, the NDIA and the Government will continue to review the temporary measures in hotspot regions to ensure the health and wellbeing of participants.