As part of ongoing efforts to enhance community-wide disaster preparedness, the City is offering two free courses on disaster preparedness for seniors and persons with disabilities on Tuesday, February 18, 8:30 AM and Tuesday, March 3, 8:30 AM at Malibu City Hall.
Malibu has a whole-community approach to emergency preparedness. Seniors and people who have mobility disabilities are an important part of our community and are particularly vulnerable during a disaster. We have to ensure that they and their families are prepared, and that our emergency planning takes them into account. Older adults and people with disabilities or mobility challenges will learn how to prepare for wildfires, earthquakes or other disasters. Will you be able to safely and quickly evacuate during a disaster if you rely on a wheelchair, oxygen or other medical devices, or if you do not drive?
Participants aged 55 or older who complete the class will receive a free emergency preparedness kit. ID is required to receive a kit. To register for either class, visit the Eventbrite page.
For more information or to register by phone or email, call 310-456-2489 ext. 368 or email skaplan@malibucity.org.