UW-Madison launched a new certificate program, “Promoting Activity for Diverse Abilities” for students looking to gain the specialized knowledge and skills necessary to promote and develop physical activities for individuals with disabilities.
The promoting activity for diverse abilities certificate program was approved by the university’s Academic Planning Council and requires 16 to 18 credits for completion. The program is being run through the School of Education’s Department of Kinesiology and students can declare for this certificate in the coming fall semester.
“This certificate provides students interested in health, fitness, and medical careers a high degree of knowledge, skills, and confidence to prescribe and encourage healthy activities for individuals with diverse abilities,” said Tim Gattenby.
The new Promoting Activity for Diverse Abilities Certificate is offered in the Department of Kinesiology. The department’s mission is to research, teach, and apply knowledge related to movement, exercise, and human occupation with the ultimate goal of enhancing human health, productivity, and quality of life.
This certificate will prepare students with the specialized knowledge and skills to safely promote and develop physical activities for individuals demonstrating a wide range of abilities to improve the health, wellness, and functioning of this population. Students will be able to address activities aimed to improve general activities of daily living, posture, mobility, breathing, nutrition, and fall prevention.
Coursework (16–18 credits) in this certificate is made up of a core that includes the topics of anatomy, disability, a hand’s-on practicum and specialized program planning. The electives options will give students some flexibility to tailor the program to their specific interests. Examples of elective topics include dance therapy, communicative disorders, health behavior and diversity in special education.