The disability sector is calling on the Government to deliver a much-needed boost in the 2020 Budget to stem a funding crisis that is resulting in many people with disabilities missing out on the services and supports they need.
The 2020 Sector Briefing Report – Enabling Good Lives Sooner Rather Than Later – launched by the New Zealand Disability Support Network (NZDSN) lays bare a funding crisis that is impacting every level of the sector.
“It’s high time the Government delivered on its promise to put wellbeing at the heart of all its decision making when it comes to disabled people, their families and those organisations providing support services,” said NZDSN chief executive Dr Garth Bennie.
“The sector is in crisis at every point. What we urgently need is a step change in the Government’s approach to correct a decade of neglect and underfunding and put the sector on a sustainable footing.
“With the Government running large surpluses and having met its debt targets, the time is right to invest in better lives for disabled New Zealanders.”
“The Minister of Health Dr David Clark, has himself acknowledged last month that we have a ‘health and disability system that has been woefully underfunded and neglected’. We want to work with the Government on solutions and the 2020 Sector Briefing Report provides a pathway forward.
“It is time for the Government to deliver so we can truly enable good lives for all disabled people and their families in our communities,” said Dr Bennie.