A social media storm has been kicked off by the Indian Government’s decision to tax the disability pension given to armed forces personnel disabled in the line of duty.
The discussion has been raging with armed forces personnel and veterans expressing that taxing disability pension amounts to disrespecting the supreme sacrifice men in uniform make for the nation in the line of duty.
Ironically, Indian Army has endorsed the government’s decision.
Finance Minister Nirmala Sitharaman’s office tweeted a letter, saying unscrupulous personnel have gained from disability benefits provided by the government to disabled soldiers.
In a series of tweets, the Army said over the years broad-banding and compensation awarded for disability with income tax exemption has led to rise in personnel seeking disability, even for life style diseases.
“Indian Army is concerned for all personnel who are invalidated out of service in combat conditions or otherwise and need additional support and discourages those who seek financial gains through their disabilities,” it added.
Armed forces personnel get separate pension if they suffer any kind of disability in the line of duty. The amount depends on their rank and the kind of disability.