Australia – A Shorten Labor Government will invest an additional $9.41 million to support Australians with a disability to play sport, from the grassroots through to high-performance pathway programs.
Labor’s investment will provide support from the grassroots participation level to developing elite talent, and will be additional to the $8 million for Australia’s Tokyo Paralympic preparations, $1.8 million for the 2019 INAS Global Games and $1.4 million for Special Olympics Australia outlined in the Budget.
It will also come on top of Labor’s earlier commitments of $1 million to support the Special Olympics Junior Games in 2020 and National Games in 2022, $1 million Reclink Australia’s Access All Abilities disability sport information portal and $4 million to construct wheelchair accessible accommodation, improve access to facilities and provide new opportunities for disability sports participation and support more Paralympians to train at Essendon Football Club’s home base, The Hangar.
Funding will be provided to Disability Sport Australia and Paralympics Australia for programs and initiatives that help Australians with a disability access sporting opportunities and strengthen pathways from grassroots participation to talent identification and beyond.