Intellectual disability surpassed musculo-skeletal ailments as the main cause for retirement on a disability pension in Finland, according to new figures released by the Finnish Center for Pensions.
Disability pensions granted for intellectual disabilities showed a clear rise in 2016. Depression now has become a particularly common reason for retirement on a disability pension for women, both young women and those nearing their retirement age, reports Yle.
Last year, altogether nearly 20,300 persons retired on an earnings-related disability pension in Finland. Disability pensions granted based on mental disorders made up 33 percent of new pensions granted. The next most common category, at 31 percent was musculo-skeletal diseases.
“This can be considered an historical change. The number of disability pensions granted based on mental disorders has grown by 20 percent since 2016,” says pensions centre statistics manager TiinaPalotie-Heino.