The Ghana Federation of Disability Organisations (GFD) has organised a training workshop on Sustainable Development Goals for women with disabilities with support from the voice Netherlands, reports Modern Ghana.
The training workshop is part of the activities earmarked for the celebration of the 2020 International Women’s Way enlightened several women with disabilities on the sustainable development goals, their targets and indicators, and how relevant they are to the leave no one behind agenda and the idea of inclusive development.
The facilitator, George Obinpe of SendGhana took the participants through all the seventeen goals and placed greater emphasis on those that are directly connected and related to disability.
Explaining the link between the SDGs and the United Nations Conversation on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (CRPD), he said the CRPD is legally binding on state parties while the SDGs are a political commitment and vision for a better world to be achieved by 2030.
In conclusion, he explained how civil society organizations and organizations of persons with disabilities can use the sustainable development goals and the United Nations Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities for advocacy stressing on the importance of data.
“I thought it was going to be the normal workshop but this has been very special. I now know the linkage between the SDGs and the CRPD and how we can use them for advocacy” said Lilian Bruce-Lyle.