The NAFI Analytical Centre and the Council for Disability Issues conducted an all-Russian study on the accessibility of the environment for people with disabilities.
The results showed that most areas of life in Russia are not suitable for people with disabilities, although the accessibility of some of them was rated quite high.
According to the Russians who participated in the survey, the greatest problems with a barrier-free environment exist in the field of transport (59%), housing (57%), offices and enterprises (53%), and sports facilities (49%).
According to the respondents, in Russia hospitals and polyclinics (68%), financial institutions (55%), the urban environment (51%), state and municipal institutions (51%), services and trade (51%) are most adapted for people with disabilities, followed by education (50%).
The participants believe that, first of all, hospitals and polyclinics, offices and enterprises, residential houses and apartments, the services and the trade sector, and the urban environment should be made accessible to people with disabilities.